Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Makeup made easy and fun

Remember in my last post when I mentioned I loved Instagram? Yes! I do, not just for looking at pictures but I discovered many beauty pages I could follow and learn to do new makeup tricks without going to a training school.

The short videos and pictures are so fun and do not take time. Here are a list of Instagram pages you should follow to learn how to do your daily and occasional makeup. 

Simply search with the names. Let me have your favourite beauty Instagram pages as well, share the love....

Ellarie - she has a lot of short makeup clips.

Sarah Angius - she has amazing short videos on how to style your hair for work, outings etc I love being on her page, you would see through her how people can be so creative.

Napturalelenore- she has pictures of her already madeup face with a link to her YouTube channel. She also keeps a healthy and pretty natural hair which I envy lol.

Wakeupandmakeup - this is a page that shows works from various makeup artists. So let's say it's a door to many doors. 

Yariszbeth- I like her because she is black and keeps her make up simple yet classy. She also keeps her natural hair and sometimes uses colors asides black weaves and she still looks great.

Amrezy- this is the queen of make up on Instagram, I love how she transforms when she has make up on and she also has the Kim k style dress sense.

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